An initiative by Tosca RSM


Scroll down and see the timeline and detailed information about the Learn & Share track and the In-company track.

Learn & share track

In-company track

Jul-Sep '24


Understand the company's sustainability journey and objectives

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Oct '24


Inspire, inform and get to know each other

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Oct '24


Form the accelerator team and initiate the program. Get a common understanding of the program and what is expected from team members

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Oct-NOv '24

Company scan 1

Analyze the phase that the company is in, the ambition levels and the challenges that must be overcome

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Nov '24

Training 1

Understanding the better Bussiness Scan * and analyze your business model

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Nov '24

Share & learn 1

Share results of applying the tools and what you have learned (3 weeks after the training)

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Dec '24

Validate findings

Validate findings of the company scan

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Dec '24

Training 2

System thinking and intergrated approaches

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Dec '24

Share & Learn 2

Share results of applying the tools and what you have learned (3 weeks after the training)

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Jan '25

Set ambition and define transformation track

Set ambition. Prepare input for the transformation plan

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Jan '25 - Jun '25


Start implementing the transformation plan

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Jan '25

Training 3

Performance management and decision making

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Jan '25

Share & learn 3

Share results of applying the tools and what you have learned (3 weeks after the training)

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Feb '25

Training 4

Partnerships & create your 'sustainability corporate story'

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Feb '25

Share & learn 4

Share results of applying the tools and what you have learned (3 weeks after the training)

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May '25

Evaluate progress

What went well what can be improved?

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Jun '25

Evaluate progress

Celebrate what has been learned, shared and achieved during last 12 months

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Jun '25



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Dec '25

Company scan 2

Measure progress on what has been achieved

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