An initiative by Tosca RSM


There are no simple approaches or quick fixes to sustainability challenges.
Rob Van Tulder, RSM

TOSCA | Tribe of Sustainability Change Agents

TOSCA is a Tribe of sustainability professionals. The founding partners of TOSCA are Ulrike de Jong and Nicolette Loonen. TOSCA’s vision is that businesses can be a force for good and must play a key role in the transition towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The partners in TOSCA have broad experience as consultants, managers and directors. Their expertise ranges from sustainability reporting tochange management and business development and from marketing to stakeholder engagement and community building.

Rotterdam School of Management

With its mission to be a force for positive change in the world, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) has firmly established its reputation over almost 50 years as one of Europe’s most international and innovative business schools. The Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) is an international research– and knowledge center for public-private collaboration for sustainable and inclusive development. Embedded within Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) of the Erasmus University (EUR), PrC as flagship center bridges science and practice. PrC aims to understand how cross-sector partnerships work and how they can contribute to sustainable transformations. The PrC’s Knowledge Agenda focuses on: creating knowledge to enhance the transformative capacity of partnerships, connecting academic and practical knowledge to support mutual learning and sharing knowledge to guide navigation and strategizing processes of partnering.

Meet Tosca

Nicolette Loonen

Nicolette Loonen

Just one pebble in the pond can create a ripple

I am convinced that organisations can only be successful in the long term if on balance they are making a positive contribution to society. With my experience as an adviser, accountant, director and supervisor I want to contribute to the transition towards a sustainable society. Everybody can make their own contribution. No matter how small the pebble is that you throw in the pond, together we can make a giant wave.

Ulrike de Jong

Ulrike de Jong

Creating real impact together

By combining my background in marketing & strategy with sustainability I want to help organisations to make REAL impact on their way towards a green, open and inclusive economy.  I am convinced that companies can only be and remain successful if they look at all three pillars of sustainability: so not just the economic pillar, but certainly also the social dimension, and taking care of our planet.

Meet RSM

Ulrike de Jong

Rob van Tulder

There are no simple approaches or quick fixes to sustainability challenges

Rob van Tulder is full professor of international business-society management and academic director of the Partnerships Resource Centre. His academic and consulting work focuses on multinational enterprise strategies, corporate social responsibility and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He is also the founder of Scope, an expert centre at Erasmus University in International Business and Sustainable Development. Together with UNCTAD, Scope compiles the widely-published lists of the largest Transnational Corporations worldwide from developed and developing countries, published annually in the World Investment Report.